Support Your Masjid
Zakat al-Mal
Zakat al-mal : Your Zakah money will be used for the Da’wa programs of the masjid
Support Your Masjid
As a member, you will receive ISVT related E-mails, voting rights during elections at ISVT, and more. This fee will help us with utilities, projects, events, etc. You can make this payment in person or using our PayPal link (below). Make sure to write your full name, email address, and to select your specific status.
If you made a pledge to us in the past, you can now fulfill that pledge by selecting "Fulfilling Pledge" when you go to donate Inn Shaa Allah. It is important that you fulfill your pledge because we rely on these payments to keep the lights on in the Masjid. Just select "Fulfilling Pledge" when you click the donation button.
Fulfill A Pledge
As our community is always growing we ask for your support. Being one of the only Masjids in the state of Vermont we ask that you donate generously using the link below. Our community is always growing and we need your support. Your donations will go towards different programs, events, projects, and more.
Sahih Al-Bukhari
"Who ever build a mosque with the intention of seeking Allah's pleasure, Allah will
build for him a place in paradise"